Oven Run Mine Drainage Abatement And Reclamation

Client: PADEP – Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation

Year Completed: 2000

Project Cost: $1,750,000

Gwin, Dobson & Foreman, Inc. is helping to restore one of the most severely degraded streams in western Pennsylvania. Oven Run, tributary to the Stonycreek River, discharges acid mine drainage from abandoned deep mine complexes near Stoystown, Somerset County. At this location, GD&F designed possibly the largest passive mine drainage treatment system for the PA DEP Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation.

The Oven Run wetlands are effectively treating a poor quality (pH-3), high flow (750 gpm) acid discharge. The treatment system is generating more than one ton of alkalinity per day and has had few problems since operation began. GD&F also designed a 50-acre surface mine reclamation project nearby.

Design elements included vertical flow wetlands (VFW) overlain by limestone (3-4 feet), compost material (0.5 to 2 feet) and wetland plants, distribution box, sedimentation ponds, waterproof PVC liner, perforated underdrain pipe collection system and flushing, outlet and bypass piping.

Stonycreek River is now showing significant improvement because of this and other projects on Oven Run. The PA Fish Commission has documented beneficial impacts more than twenty-two miles downstream in the City of Johnstown.