Village of Soldier Water Storage Tank

Client: Winslow Township Supervisors

Year Completed: 2010

Project Cost: $3,800,000

The Village of Soldier experienced chronic water supply shortages and failing on-lot disposal systems for many years. The Winslow Township Supervisors initiated a water and wastewater improvement project to address the needs of the 225 community residents.

Gwin, Dobson & Foreman designed and administered construction of the following project elements:

GD&F facilitated procurement and administration of 6 grant/loan programs that made the improvements affordable for project area customers. In fact, 75% of the project was funded through grants. Funding agencies included PADEP Growing Greener, Jefferson County CDBG, PADECD Competitive CDBG, PADEP Safe Drinking Water Program, Pennvest and DECD PAH20 programs. GD&F also facilitated intermunicipal agreements between the Township and Sykesville Borough.